Bakers Journal

Being green comes naturally to Maine bakery

December 4, 2008
By The Boston Globe

Dec. 4, 2008, KITTERY, Maine – Mariah and Tom Roberts like to talk trash. All of the
customers at Beach Pea Baking Co. are reminded about recycling at the
refuse bins, educated about it on the cafe's tables, and told about the
bakery's pledge to use only what is necessary.

Dec. 4, 2008, KITTERY, Maine – Mariah and Tom Roberts like to talk trash. All of the
customers at Beach Pea Baking Co. are reminded about recycling at the
refuse bins, educated about it on the cafe's tables, and told about the
bakery's pledge to use only what is necessary.

Mariah scours restaurant vendors for environmentally friendly
products, such as compostable utensils made from potatoes. Even the
butter pats here are wrapped in biodegradable paper, rather than
metal-lined packets.


a result, at Beach Pea, when it's time to dispose of your juice bottle
or toss your napkin after nibbling on an oversized chocolate-drizzled
croissant or a thick lemon bar, you'll find three clearly labeled bins:
recycle, compost, and trash. And the trash receptacle is the least
full. On any given day, a mere three bags leaves the shop, even after
300 to 600 customers pass through. Ninety-five per cent of the bakery's
waste is recycled or composted. | FULL STORY

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