Bakers Journal

GreenPalm offers sustainable palm oil certificate program

September 23, 2013
By Bakers Journal

Sept. 23, 2013, FL – GreenPalm is running a certificate trading program that supports sustainable palm and palm kernel oil, certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

Palm oil is found is many things including supermarket products, biofuels and animal feed. However, the farming of palm has been linked with tropical rainforest destruction, removal of endangered species’ habitats and human rights violations.

In response to this, many suppliers and manufacturers are making a commitment to sustainable palm oil certified by the RSPO, says the company release.

There has also been some pressure for manufacturers to guarantee that their products contain only segregated palm oil.
To maintain the integrity of the certified oil or derivative, each member of the supply chain, from the grower to the manufacturer, must be audited and a member of the RSPO, according to the company.


GreenPalm is designed to bypass the supply chain. Manufacturers can
offset their palm use by buying GreenPalm certificates representing an
equivalent volume that has been produced in line with RSPO principles
and criteria.

“In an industry that involves interwoven supply chains and complicated fractionating and blending processes, this is complex and therefore costly,” states Bob Norman, the general manager of GreenPalm, in a media release.

Norman will address the difficulties facing the industry at the eighth Global Oils and Fats Forum (GOFF) in Orlando from Oct. 3-4.

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